This page provides information about future events.

Thu 6. Feb
Thu 6. Feb 2025
Webinar “Antifouling” with Bernd Daehne - basic knowledge in 120 minutes
The webinar “Antifouling” is an intensive training program that explains the basics of surface damage caused by biofouling and presents various approaches to reducing it. The basic knowledge of surface degradation is taught and participants learn about biological, physical and chemical coating systems for surface protection. Formulators, chemists, technical service and sales and marketing staff from raw material suppliers in the maritime sector will expand their specialist knowledge of antifouling for their daily work. All further information on this two-hour webinar in German can be found here.
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Thursday 27. Nov -
Friday 28. Nov 2025
11th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
Save the Date: On November 27 + 28, 2025 we welcome you at the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt to the 11th CAHMV 2025. We would of course be delighted to welcome you.
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Monday 2. Dec -
Tuesday 3. Dec 2024
Meet us in Vienna at Biocides Europe 2024
The 27th Biocide Europe Conference will take place on December 2 and 3, 2024. Take the opportunity to meet Heike Schimmelpfennig, our expert on biocides from Dr. Brill Regulatory Services GmbH.
We would be delighted to see you again or meet you at the conference in Vienna. You are also welcome to make an appointment in advance. Link to the appointment request by e-mail: HERE.
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Thursday 28. Nov -
Friday 29. Nov 2024
10th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
We are organizing this 10th conference for the first time in collaboration with our partners from BioGenius, who will be celebrating their 20th anniversary there at the same time.
Save the Date: Celebrate with us this year's big anniversary CAHMV, the 10th edition of our conference! On November 28 + 29, 2024 we welcome you together with BioGenius at the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt to the 10th CAHMV 2024, as well as to a maritime evening program. We would of course be delighted to welcome you.
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Thursday 7. Nov 2024
Online-Update Hygiene und Infektionsprävention #16: Materialwissenschaften
Thema dieser Ausgabe: Materialwissenschaften
Vorträge und Sprecher
Strahlend rein – innovative Technologie gegen Mikroorganismen auf hygienisch relevanten Oberflächen
Dr. Simone Schulte / Head of Microbial Effects, Evonik Operations GmbH, Essen
Polymerbeschichtungen aus der Gasphase für medizinische Anwendungen
Prof. Dr. Franz Faupel / Chair for Multicomponent Materials, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Forschung für das Patientenzimmer der Zukunft und aktuellen Untersuchungen zu Oberflächenbeschichtungen im Rahmen der Krankenhaushygiene und Reinigung
N.N. / Fraunhofer-Institut für Schicht- und Oberflächentechnik IST, Braunschweig
Die Kontamination der Patientenumgebung bis in die Station. Die "unbelebte" Natur - eine Infektionsquelle?
PD Mag. Dr. Astrid Mayr / Stv. Leitung Technische Krankenhaushygiene, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Das Online-Update ist eine Kooperationsveranstaltung mit
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you, der Arbeitsbereich Krankenhaushygiene des Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf und HIHeal.
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Thursday 10. Oct -
Friday 11. Oct 2024
MDR MEETS HYGIENE – Kooperation zwischen NSF Prosystem und DR. BRILL INSTITUTES
Was bedeutet die MDR für das Inverkehrbringen von Aufbereitungsprodukten und die Validierung von Aufbereitungsprozessen? Die Verordnung (EU) 2017/745 über Medizinprodukte und die verstärkte Kontrolle der Hersteller durch die benannten Stellen und zuständigen Landesbehörden führt in Tateinheit mit der novellierten DIN EN ISO 17664-1 und -2 zu erhöhten Anforderungen an die Hersteller von Medizinprodukten, aber auch zu Unsicherheiten bei der Umsetzung. In diesem Seminar wollen wir sowohl die regulatorischen Aspekte inkl. klinischer Bewertung und Risikomanagement von wiederverwendbaren Medizinprodukten beleuchten, als auch fachliche hygienisch-mikrobiologische Hintergründe vermitteln, sodass die Teilnehmer in die Lage versetzt werden, die Anforderungen zu verstehen und praktisch umzusetzen.
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Monday 9. Sep -
Tuesday 10. Sep 2024
Maritime coatings in focus: Bernd Daehne as speaker at specialist conference
In September the 9th and 10th 2024, the trade magazine FARBE UND LACK and Meyer Werft in Papenburg invite you to a scientific conference on maritime coatings.
Bernd Daehne from our Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion will be a guest speaker at the event on 10.09.2024 at 09:30 a.m. with the lecture "Antifouling - Test procedures, current developments and Blue Angel".
We look forward to your participation! All information about the program and registration can be found HERE
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Thursday 29. Aug -
Friday 30. Aug 2024
Excursion Antifouling: Insights, findings and discussions on Norderney
The Lower Saxony office of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) is organizing an excursion to Norderney together with the ZIM Antifouling Network, EurA AG and the Biofouling Research Station of Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion as part of the GreenShipping Lower Saxony project. The trip will take place from August 29 to 30, 2024.
The excursion offers experts from the ZIM Antifouling Network and all interested parties the opportunity to experience the results of various antifouling technologies and measures as well as the associated test methods directly in the laboratories and outdoor test rigs of the Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion research station.
In addition to a guided tour of the station, the program also includes specialist Presentations on the current status of environmentally friendly antifouling solutions and international regulations on biofouling management. An integrated workshop will also deal with current topics such as "Quo vadis anti-fouling", "Biocide-free in fresh waters" and "Washing areas for marinas" using the LSP method and will provide space to critically examine and discuss the topics.
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Tuesday 2. Jul 2024
Online-Update Hygiene und Infektionsprävention: Wasserhygiene
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Monday 22. Apr -
Tuesday 23. Apr 2024
Sustainable Shipping Conference 2024 - 6. Bremer Kongress für Nachhaltigkeit der Schifffahrt
The Senator for Economics, Ports and Transformation of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, together with Bremen University of Applied Sciences, the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany and other partners, is once again hosting a maritime expert forum with national and international speakers in 2024.
The international shipping industry has agreed to be climate-neutral by 2050. The 6th Bremen Congress for Sustainability in Shipping will focus on alternative fuels and sustainable and efficient technologies. You will find out first-hand which solutions shipping companies are working on, which projects are currently being implemented and which conditions still need to be created in order to achieve the climate targets in shipping.
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Thursday 21. Mar 2024
Webinar: Blauer Engel für Unterwasserbeschichtungen und andere Bewuchsschutzsysteme (DE-UZ 221)
Webinar zur Vorstellung und Beantragung des Blauen Engel für Unterwasserbeschichtungen und andere Bewuchsschutzsysteme (DE-UZ 221)
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Tuesday 12. Mar 2024
Online-Update Hygiene und Infektionsprävention #14: Nachhaltige Hygiene
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Thursday 30. Nov -
Friday 1. Dec 2023
9th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
In 2023, the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology starts in its nineth year. After the very successful second hybrid edition in 2022, which impressed again with outstanding presentations and attracted more than 100 international participants from 22 countries, we are now inviting you to this year's conference. The 9th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology will take place 30 November - 01 December 2023 in Hamburg and also online, presented by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and the DR. BRILL ACADEMY. Our conference venue is the wonderful AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt in the picturesque and historic "Speicherstadt".
We would be very pleased to welcome you to the 9th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology as a participant in Hamburg, or online via livestream.
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Wednesday 25. Oct -
Friday 27. Oct 2023
SEPAWA Congress
The SEPAWA® CONGRESS is THE event with a special character. The perfect mix of international lectures, exhibition and networking. Here you will find more information about facts and topics of the congress. Don’t miss out…
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Wednesday 11. Oct -
Friday 13. Oct 2023
Freiburger Infektiologie- und Hygienekongress 2023
Der Freiburger Infektiologie- und Hygienekongress 2023 wird dieses Jahr vom 11. bis 13. Oktober stattfinden. Schirmherrschaft Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach. Dieses Jahr wird der Kongress mit einer persönlichen Grussbotschaft des Generaldirektors der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, eröffnet. Wir freuen uns sehr, Sie wieder in Freiburg begrüßen zu dürfen!
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Wednesday 4. Oct -
Friday 6. Oct 2023
26. Jahreskongress der DGSV e.V. 2023
26. Jahreskongress der DGSV e.V. 2023
CongressPark Wolfsburg
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
liebe Mitglieder der DGSV,
wir freuen uns, dass wir auch in diesem Jahr unseren Jahreskongress umsetzen können. Dieser wird jedoch nicht wie in den letzten gemeinsamen Jahren in Fulda stattfinden, sondern im wunderschönen CongressPark in Wolfsburg.
Kommen Sie mit nach Wolfsburg und erweitern Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in angenehmer Atmosphäre mit interessanten Vorträgen und Diskussionen.
Wir freuen uns darauf, viele bekannte Gesichter auch in Wolfsburg begrüßen zu dürfen.
Der Vorstand der DGSV e.V.
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Monday 18. Sep -
Wednesday 20. Sep 2023
75th Annual Conference of the DGHM 2023
From 18 to 20 September, meet internationally renowned speakers and young scientists, as well as representatives of industry, to exchange ideas on the current and future state of research and science.
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Thursday 14. Sep -
Friday 15. Sep 2023
Join experts for an engaging discussion on MDR transition periods, how to get competitive and sustainable medical devices to market, and more!
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Friday 12. May -
Saturday 13. May 2023
Fachtagung für Krankenhaushygiene
From May 12 - 13, 2023 the Symposium for Hospital Hygiene of the DGKH will take place in Essen.
We are also represented this year with some lectures at the symposium:
Friday, 12.05.2023 / 14:30 - 16:00
Bakterielle Resistenzen und Toleranzen gegen Desinfektionsmittel und antimikrobielle Oberflächen F. Schreiber (Berlin), F. H.H. Brill (Hamburg), D. Mogrovejo (Hamburg), J. Klock (Hamburg), S. Schmidt (Berlin), C. Sündermann (Berlin), V. Boenke (Berlin), N. Nordholt (Berlin)
Saturday, 13.05.2023 / 11:00 - 12:30
Phase 3-Wirksamkeitsprüfung für Flächendesinfektionsmittel – Feldstudie vs. Simulated-use-Test – wie kommen wir der Praxis näher? F. H. H. Brill (Hamburg), J. K. Knobloch (Hamburg)
Sind klinische Isolate Multiresistenter Erreger stabiler als Laborstämme gegenüber Desinfektionsmitteln? Daten einer Hamburger Studie F. H. H. Brill (Hamburg)
The entire program and more information about event you can find HERE
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Wednesday 12. Apr 2023
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #11
More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.
The online update is a cooperation event with
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.
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Tuesday 28. Feb 2023
VUPINAR - Laboratories as Data Power Plants-Use and Benefits of Laboratory Data
Laboratories as data power plants - the use and benefit of laboratory dataFor a long time now, money has been earned with the targeted and networked use and exploitation of data; an entire industry has grown up around the topic of "data mining," if you will: a new culture as well. What is the situation in the testing and laboratory industry, which has been producing data since time immemorial?
Process data, results data, customer data, etc. are stored or better: slumber in folders, Excel spreadsheets, databases or in the cloud. Measurement results and analysis data usually know only one direction: to the customer who placed the order, in the form of the results report.
So what are the opportunities for additional utilization of laboratory and results data, what new business models could arise or are emerging, and what limits and legal frameworks must be observed? These and other questions will be the focus of the first VUPinar of the German Association of Independent Testing Laboratories (VUP) and will be addressed by competent speakers.
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Wednesday 30. Nov -
Thursday 1. Dec 2022
Biocides Europe 2022
This year's "Biocides Europe" of Chemical Watch will take place from November 30th, 2022 to December 1st, 2022 in Vienna.
Our managing director Dr. Florian H. H. Brill will give an exciting presentation on December 1st, 2022 at 15:55 titled: "Efficacy evaluation of disinfectants PT 1 to 5, PT 21 and treated articles PT 10 based on current development and Echa efficacy guidance including biofilm-activity testing".
The full program of Biocides Europe 2022 can be found here: https://events.chemicalwatch.com/487652/biocides-europe-2022/programme/?dayID=562465
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Thursday 24. Nov -
Friday 25. Nov 2022
8th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
In 2022, the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology starts in its eights year. After the very successful first hybrid edition in 2021, which impressed again with outstanding presentations and attracted more than 100 international participants from 22 countries, we are now inviting you to this year's conference. The 8th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology will take place 24 - 25 November 2022 in Hamburg and once more also online, presented by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and the DR. BRILL ACADEMY. Our conference venue is the wonderful AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt in the picturesque and historic "Speicherstadt".
We would be very pleased to welcome you to the 8th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology as a participant in Hamburg, or online via livestream.
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Saturday 22. Oct 2022
15 years Tat für Tat: Celebrate with us!
On October 22nd, the anniversary celebration for the 15th anniversary of the association "tat für tat Malawi e.V." will take place on our company premises in Hamburg-Hummelsbüttel. You can expect a colorful program with music, food & drink as well as a vernissage with an auction of works of various artists. Furthermore, you can of course learn everything about the association and the cooperation with the House of Hope in Malawi.
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Tuesday 14. Jun 2022
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #9
More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.
The online update is a cooperation event with
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.
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Sunday 1. May -
Wednesday 4. May 2022
16th Congress for Hospital Hygiene
This year's 16th Congress of Hospital Hygiene will take place from 01 to 04 May 2022 as a hybrid event. Also this year we are represented with some lectures.
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Thursday 3. Mar 2022
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #8
More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.
The online update is a cooperation event with
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.
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Thursday 25. Nov -
Friday 26. Nov 2021
7th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
In 2021, the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology starts already in its seventh year! After the online edition in 2020 and the last regular CAHMV in 2019, which impressed with outstanding presentations and attracted more than 100 participants from 17 countries, we are now inviting you to this year's hybrid conference. The 7th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology will take place 25 - 26 November 2021 in Hamburg and also online, presented by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and the DR. BRILL ACADEMY. The conference venue is once again the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt in the picturesque and historic "Speicherstadt".
We would be very pleased to welcome you to the 7th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology as a participant in Hamburg, or online via livestream.
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Thursday 28. Oct 2021
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #7
More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.
The online update is a cooperation event with
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.
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Tuesday 14. Sep -
Friday 17. Sep 2021
6th International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC)
This year's "International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC)" will take place in Geneva from 14.09.2021 to 17.09.2021.
Dr. Florian H. H. Brill is also involved in this year's conference with two presentations.
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Monday 30. Aug -
Wednesday 1. Sep 2021
6th Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC)
From 30th August 2021 to 1st September 2021, the Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) will be held in Pontignano, Italy.
The conference will focus on presentations and discussion sessions on the following topics:
ISO 19030 and beyond / sensor technology / human factors in reporting & understanding performance /
information fusion / big data / uncertainty analysis / hydrodynamic models / business models / cleaning
technology / coating technology / ESDs
Dr. Bernd Daehne from our Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion will give a presentation at the conference on 01.09.2021 at 13:55 entitled: "ROBUST: Integrated Coating & Cleaning Concept for Offshore Structures".
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Wednesday 25. Aug 2021
Hamburg Copenhagen Business Forum 2021
The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce cordially invites you to the 4th "Hamburg Copenhagen Business Forum". The Hamburg Chamber of Commerce is organizing the forum together with the German-Danish Chamber of Commerce and Dansk Industri this year under the motto "Germany and Denmark - Joining Forces for Green Growth".
In addition to discussion forums on renewable energy, the green real estate industry, urban mobility and the digital health industry, the conference offers business representatives from both countries the opportunity to network and expand business relations in their respective neighboring countries. Among others, Hamburg's Senator for Economy and Innovation, Michael Westhagemann, and the Danish Minister of Transport, Benny Engelbrecht, will participate in the forum. In addition to the full-day conference on August 25, 2021, the following day will include a tour program to the House of Green, the Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Farm, and the Amager Resource Center including Copenhill.
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Tuesday 15. Jun 2021
Workshop: Vergabekriterien für die Zertifizierung von Antifouling-Systemen mit dem blauen Engel
Das Problem durch Bewuchs (= Fouling) auf Schiffen ist so alt wie die Schifffahrt selbst. Schiffsrümpfe werden über kurz oder lang von festsitzenden, pflanzlichen und tierischen Organismen besiedelt.
Dieser Bewuchs erhöht den Reibungswiderstand der Schiffe, was die Fahrtgeschwindigkeit mindert und den Treibstoffverbrauch erhöht.
Um das zu verhindern, werden Antifoulinganstriche benutzt. Nach derzeitiger Kenntnis sind rd. 75 % aller Antifoulinganstriche (AF) im Sportbootbereich und rd. 95% aller Beschichtungen in der Berufsschifffahrt kupferbasiert. Hinzu kommen weitere Biozide, die derzeit für diese Verwendung genehmigt sind.
Alle diese Biozide werden direkt und intendiert in die Gewässer eingetragen und können dort, neben den eigentlichen Zielorganismen, auch andere im Gewässer lebende Organismen schädigen. Am Beispiel Kupfer konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass die Emissionen aus Antifoulingbeschichtungen eine relevante Umweltbelastung darstellen.
Eine Möglichkeit, diese Umweltbelastung zu minimieren, ist die Nutzung von Alternativen, die ohne die Abgabe von Bioziden die Bewuchsbildung verringern. Es stellen sich aber die Fragen:
Wie umweltfreundlich und wie wirksam sind diese Alternativen?
Das Umweltbundesamt lässt derzeit im Rahmen des
Projektes FKZ 371 96541 50 diese Fragen prüfen, um daraus Kriterien für die Vergabe des Umweltzeichens Blauer Engel für Antifouling-Systeme zu entwickeln. Schlussendlich sollen mit dem Umweltzeichen alternative und umweltfreundliche Bewuchsschutzmethoden gefördert werden.
In dem Online-Workshop soll nun ein erster
Vorschlag für Vergabekriterien einem
Interessentenkreis aus Herstellern, Behörden und NGOs vorgestellt werden. Anschließend gibt es die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion.
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Thursday 6. May -
Thursday 12. Nov 2020
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #5
More than any other crisis, the pandemic affects all generations, all social groups and social, economic, political and cultural life worldwide. It is being felt everywhere, albeit to varying degrees.
In this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to find out about important questions on the topic and to exchange ideas with our experts from the clinical, research, political and industrial sectors.
The online update is a cooperation event with
Dr. Brill + Steinmann, MedWiss4you and HIHeal.
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Wednesday 5. May 2021
11. eHealth-Lounge - "Die Zukunft der Hygiene"
Grippeepidemien oder auch die aktuelle Corona-Pandemie zeigen eindrucksvoll, wie sich Mikroorganismen innerhalb kürzester Zeit ausbreiten und welche Folgen derartige Verbreitungen für eine Gesellschaft haben können. Tragfähige Hygienekonzepte sowie präventive Maßnahmen zur Vorbeugung von Infektionen sind daher in allen Lebensbereichen relevant. Sowohl in Krankenhäusern als auch in stationären sowie ambulanten Einrichtungen und Diensten müssen neue, nachverfolgbare und sichere Infektionspräventionslösungen entwickelt und umgesetzt werden.
Welche (digitalen) Lösungsmöglichkeiten für einen besseren Hygieneschutz bestehen bereits und wie lassen sich diese Lösungen auf andere Bereiche und Sektoren übertragen? Was können wir aus den Anforderungen der Pandemie lernen? Wie gehen wir zukünftig mit dem Thema Hygiene um? Anlässlich des Internationalen Tages der Handhygiene greift das eHealth-Netzwerk Hamburg der Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH diese und weitere Fragen in unserer nächsten Online-Veranstaltung auf und lädt zur 11. eHealth-Lounge - "Die Zukunft der Hygiene" ein.
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Friday 16. Apr 2021
DISTANCE WEBINAR “Mechanisms and assessment of bacterial resistance”
Dr. Pierre Grascha is an expert in chemical processes in industry. In 2015, Dr. Pierre Grascha founded SPG ACTIONS, a private consulting and training company specialized in formulation of cosmetic and biocidal products, microbiology, hygiene in production and industrial chemical processes.
On the 16th of April 2021, Dr. Pierre Grascha invites to the webinar "Mechanisms and assessment of bacterial resistance".
This webinar will provide participants with knowledge about the different mechanisms that lead to bacterial resistance. In addition, participants will be taught how to assess the risk of microbial resistance.
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Monday 12. Apr -
Wednesday 14. Apr 2021
15th Congress for Hospital Hygiene
This year's 15th Congress for Hospital Hygiene will take place online from 12.04.2021 - 14.04.2021. Again this year we will be represented with some lectures.
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Thursday 26. Nov -
Friday 27. Nov 2020
6th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology
In 2020, the Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology starts already in its sixth year! After the again successful CAHMV 2019, which impressed with outstanding presentations and attracted more than 100 participants from 17 countries, we are already inviting you to mark the date for this year's new edition. The 6th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology will take place 26 - 27 November 2020 in Hamburg, presented by Dr. Brill + Partner GmbH Institut für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie and the DR. BRILL ACADEMY. The conference venue is once again the AMERON Hamburg Hotel Speicherstadt in the picturesque and historic "Speicherstadt".
Please save the date. We would be very pleased to welcome you to the 6th Conference of Applied Hygiene, Microbiology and Virology as a participant here in Hamburg.
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Thursday 12. Nov 2020
Online-Update Hygiene and Infektionsprävention: COVID-19 #4
Despite the significant decrease in new infections in Germany and Europe, the corona pandemic and its effects continue to dominate clinics, industry and research. In the context of this free online update, we would like to offer you the opportunity to inform yourself about important questions on the topic and to exchange information with our experts.
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Wednesday 23. Sep 2020
Nehmen Sie am Forum Akkreditierung teil, • wenn Sie sattelfester im
Thema DAkkS-Akkreditierung werden wollen • wenn Sie die berechtigten
Interessen Ihrer Firma gegenüber der DAkkS besser durchsetzen wollen •
wenn Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter und Ihr QM-System auf dem aktuellen Stand der
Normung und Akkreditierung halten möchten • wenn Sie sich für eine
pragmatische und wirtschaftliche Akkreditierung ohne übertriebene
Formalismen einsetzen • wenn Sie sich mit anderen akkreditierten Stellen
austauschen und voneinander lernen möchte
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Thursday 10. Sep -
Friday 11. Sep 2020
Nehmen Sie am Forum Akkreditierung teil, • wenn Sie sattelfester im
Thema DAkkS-Akkreditierung werden wollen • wenn Sie die berechtigten
Interessen Ihrer Firma gegenüber der DAkkS besser durchsetzen wollen •
wenn Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter und Ihr QM-System auf dem aktuellen Stand der
Normung und Akkreditierung halten möchten • wenn Sie sich für eine
pragmatische und wirtschaftliche Akkreditierung ohne übertriebene
Formalismen einsetzen • wenn Sie sich mit anderen akkreditierten Stellen
austauschen und voneinander lernen möchte
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