Einträge bedenklicher Stoffe in Gewässer reduzieren: Erarbeitung von Vergabekriterien für die Zertifizierung von AntifoulingSystemen mit dem Blauen Engel
B Daehne, J Wallis, S Gartiser, C Hafner, B Watermann
ISSN 1862-4804
The present study was initiated by the UBA. As part of the project, criteria were established with which the environmental compatibility and also the effectiveness of the non-biocidal anti-fouling systems must be proven in order to obtain the RAL environmental label. The Institute for Antifouling and Biocorrosion developed the criteria to prove the effectiveness.
The introduction of a Blue Angel eco-label for environmentally friendly "underwater coatings and other anti-fouling systems" is now intended to support the establishment of these products on the market and at the same time motivate manufacturers to develop further suitable products.